In 2010 Kismet Forward worked with stakeholders to evaluate the pilot Safe Start Program, which aimed to reduce the risk of early childhood injury across the City of Greater Geelong.
The evaluation included assessing the effectiveness of the program’s implementation and its overall impact, as well as the identification of opportunities for improvement of future programs of this nature.

The pilot Early Start program was aimed at engaging 3-year-old children, who were known to Child Protection, in kindergarten programs.
Kismet Forward undertook an extensive evaluation of the City of Greater Geelong pilot in 2010, involving interviews with some 40 stakeholders including case workers from a variety of welfare service providers, kindergarten teachers and parents.

This work led to Jen being asked in 2011/12 to evaluate the City of Greater Geelong’s Early Childhood Innovations Development Project. The project involved mentoring groups, professional development sessions and trialling of new processes within the Maternal and Child Health area in order to increase the engagement of vulnerable children and their families with the Maternal and Child Health practice. This evaluation involved focus groups, interviews and a survey.